

可用性: 哈蒂斯堡选项

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艺术 and 设计 at USM offers two distinct degree plans that include a broad range of opportunities for preparation in either traditional or professional career paths.

  • 文学士(学士.A.), a broadly based, traditional arts program offered in general 艺术研究.
  • 美术学士(B.F.A.), professional career preparation in Drawing & 绘画, Graphic 设计, or Sculpture.

我们也提供 小度 in 艺术, 艺术 History, Graphic 设计, and Sculpture. 

The University of Southern Mississippi is an accredited, institutional member of the National Association of Schools of 艺术 & 设计.

请求的信息 应用 投资组合

2Buildings Dedicated to Visual 艺术


Students begin their studies with 艺术 Foundations, a first-year experience that includes studio courses in drawing, design, and color theory. Advanced studio courses and courses 在艺术史上. All courses in 艺术 and 设计 are oriented toward understanding the creative process, and comprehending and developing personal aesthetic sensibilities. Students build confidence and a strong artistic vocabulary relating to the visual 艺术整体.


艺术 and 设计 awards over 20K annually in scholarships. Scholarship awards are based on portfolio review, academic achievement, and other USM requirements. 

Follow the steps below to apply for a scholarship:

When reviewing a portfolio, we look for the following:

  •  An interest in and commitment to art
  • Skills in drawing and/or painting from observation/imagination
  • A sense of color and design
  • All other creative abilities in any visual arts medium


  • Take good photographs of your work.
  • Create a document that includes 10-15 images of your work.
  • 1-2 images per page, with title/project name, medium, size, and date.
  • Save the document as a single PDF file, no larger than 25MB.
  • Filename: save file as firstname_lastname_portfolio.pdf
  • You may include images of drawing and painting from observation/imagination, printmaking, sculpture, other three-dimensional works, ceramics, posters, packaging design, illustration, typography, web design, identity campaigns (logos and branding), digital photography, interactive media/motion graphics, etc.
  • If you have interactive media/motion graphics, please share the URL when submitting 表单.


艺术 and 设计 students planning to major in Graphic 设计 are required to purchase specific hardware and software necessary for the curriculum. 了解更多



Creative 研究 Scholar of the Year


詹妮弗·托雷斯, professor of sculpture and ceramics at Southern Miss, showcased her most recent creative endeavor titled, “Misfit Children: Landscapes and Creatures from the Mind of 詹妮弗·托雷斯,” at the Tennessee Valley 艺术博物馆. 这次展览 intrigued visitors with the stories each piece had to tell using texture, color, and 有意的细节. As the 2020 College of 艺术 and Sciences Creative 研究 Scholar of the Year, we sat down with professor Torres to get to know her and learn more about her exhibition and creative process.








School of Performing and Visual 艺术
George Hurst Building, Room 106






  • 艺术家
  • 艺术教育家
  • 历史学家
  • Graphic/Multimedia 设计er
  • 艺廊经理
  • 创意总监
  • 杰西·麦克唐纳
    2012. SEO Specialist at Geek Powered Studios in Austin.
  • 贾里德·沃尔特斯
    2006. Marketing Manager/Burton Computer Resources, web developer for/Communication 艺术 Company, web communications specialist/Mississippi College.
  • 布莱克奥布莱恩
    2016. Working artist with exhibitions in Covington, LA. Dime Magazine Featured 艺术家.


The 艺术博物馆/Gallery of 艺术 and 设计 present a wide range of regional to national exhibitions—providing a forum for education by hosting lectures and gallery talks, workshops, and symposia by leading artists, critics, curators, and historians. 



The 三维艺术 building is a state-of-the-art facility that includes a ceramics lab, 金属车间和铸造厂



